Beer (Good for everything)

A pint of British and Irish beer at the pub is a national institution. The pub even though in decline - when compared to 20 years ago - is still synonymous with the British way of life. The availability to buy beer in supermarkets now means much more beer is drunk at home as well. But, what is British beer and why is it still the national drink in the UK and Ireland?

Contrary to what many think British beer is not simply a choice between lager and bitter. In the UK there are more than 2000 beer brands available with many of them brewed in Britain or Ireland. These beers range from crisp, cold, light lagers to dark, rich stouts with an extensive range of styles and tastes in between.

More info at British Beer and Pub Association


Heather Knight dijo...

I love old adds like this one. The ones on my fridge are U or PG unlike yours, anyway... ;-)

Mr. de Diego dijo...

I like all beers... but I prefer the beer strong. A pint, please! XD

Anonimous dijo...

Teacher: The traduction is: "Ayudando a la gente fea a tener sexo desde 1862"??? ;-D Very good publication. ha,ha,ha.

Heather Knight dijo...

Translation, my anonymous friend. And yes you got it right. :-)

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:-) :-S :-P :-[ :-D }:-] X* ;-D :-| :-} :*) :-( ;-) XD

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