Charles J. Esdale

A historian working at the interface of military, political and social history, I am a specialist on Spain in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era, and, more specifically the Peninsular War of 1808-14. However, my work has also ranged over the history of Spain in the whole period from 1788 to 1939, as well as the general history of Napoleon and his empire.

Research Interests
I am currently working on a study ofg the Bonaparte Kingdom of Spain, 1808-1813.

Teaching Interests
My teaching interests centre on Revolutionary and Napoleonic Spain and the Spanish Republic and Civil War, on both of which I offer modules at level 3. In addition, I participate in compulsory Year I modules on study skills and the history of Europe in the period 1870-1939.

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Heather Knight dijo...

I met Charles through a mutual friend three years ago or so, and he was kind enough to come to the school where I used to work (Embajadores) to give a talk.
One of my then workmates, who's usually a very gentlemanly and serious looking guy, but with a very British sense of humour, was on cloud nine that day as he had read some of his books and loves both British and Spanish history, mainly wars.
I promised Charles I would buy one of his books for my husband, but still haven't got around to doing it, so this is my way of saying sorry. But I will buy it this summer. Cross my fingers...
This mutual friend says that Charles and I have many things in common and she might be right. There are only some 'small' differences:
- He has a beard and I don't
- He is English and loves everything Spanish, I am Spanish and love everything English and American.
- He's a published writer and a professor with a lot of initials before and after his name... I'm a teacher and my surname is García. But maybe one day...
- We are both very modest. Well, Charles really is... me... Well, you kind of know me.

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