My favorite...

What is your favorite character?
An actor? An actress? A cartoon? A History character? A writer?
Tell us about it...
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Mr. de Diego dijo...

My favorite character is Homer Simpson, He is a carton television. He is the principal character of the series television was born in 1987 in the USA. He is forty years old aproximately, and never he does old, as if he not turn years. Homer is a flat person, bald (but he has two hairs), and he has only four fingers in the hands. Homer likes to drink beer, and theri passion is the doughnuts. The Simpson's family lives in Sprinfield. Homer is married with Marge, and they are three children: two daughters and a son. Marge is housewife, but she has worked of policewoman, of cook and in the Nuclear Power Station. Homer work in the Nuclear Power Station, but he doesn't like work and always he is in the bar of Moe drinking beer.

Heather Knight dijo...

My favourite writer is Jane Austen. She was able to write six wonderful novels back in the time when a woman writer was considered an aberration.
Her life must have been pretty boring, though. She didn't travel much and she never got married, but she had great powers of observation and a wonderful sense of humour.

Heather Knight dijo...

Pierce Brosnan is my favourite actor. Yesterday I saw his most recent film at the cinema. It is called The Ghost Writer. If you want to see the trailer go to:

Nuria dijo...

My favourite musician is Johann Sebastian Bach. He was born in Germany and he lived in 17th and 18th century. His kind of music is called "Baroque". I like his "Brandenburg concerts", his "Passion according to St. Mateo", his suites for lute,... I love listening to Bach music: it's really emotive, emotioning, deep,... It's great and wonderful. When I'm listening to it, I can't do anything more apart from listening to it. I can't explain well how I feel, but I feel really good listening to Bach. His music makes me to think about intelligent and positive thoughts. I really like paying attention to all the notes and sounds I can, in order to enjoy its combinations and rithms.

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