Who are you?

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Mr. de Diego dijo...

Hi. My name is Javier de Diego. I'm 39 years old. I was born in Alicante. I live in partner (I'm not married), and we haven't children, but we go to by them. I'm brown and handsome. I work as a journalits and a marketing thecniques. My hobbies are: Writing, reading, Internet, sports (padel, tenis, swimming...). I like the old films, the musicals and pop music eight's Spanish.

Heather Knight dijo...

Can the teacher write too?
My name is María José. I was born in Madrid 45 years ago. I got married when I was 25 and I have 3 children: my eldest son is already 19! but the little one is just five. I also have a beautiful 14-year-old daughter.
My husband's name is José Ramón and he works for a recycling company.
There are lots of things I like doing, but number one has to be reading. You have all seen how much I love my new e-book.

Nuria dijo...

Hi! I'm Nuria. I'm 38. I was born in Madrid and I live in Moratalaz with my boyfriend, who is really intelligent. We're not married, but we're "de facto couple". We have no children and we're not going to have anyone.

I'm a teacher of Latin in a high school in Ciudad Universitaria for students of high sports performance.

I like to swimm and I like going to the beach in summer time. I like looking for second hand books and buy them. I like reading essays about Linguistics. I love ancient and modern Greece. I really like Greek food, Greek music and Greek language. I like studying English, because I love all languages in general. I like studying, so next year I'm studying "Spanish Philology". I used to play the guitar and the piano in the Conservatory of Music. I miss it a lot, so when I'll finish my "Spanish Philology" studies, I'm studying again Music.

Bea dijo...

My name is Beatriz but the people say me: Bea. I´m 31 years old. I was born in Madrid. I´m single. I haven´t children. I´m a teacher. My students are 4 years old.
I like to read, go to the cinema and theatre. I like playing with the Wii

CHARO dijo...

My name is Charo, I'm 48 years old and I am an English student in Moratalaz School. I want to say to you congratulations for this blog. It's a good idea to share comments, experiences, suggestions and so on.

DAVID dijo...

I´m David. I´, 28 years old. I was born Alicante but I live in Madrid since 25 years. My job is the teacher. This year I am working in Alcala de Henares, and my student are adults persons. This year I´m very busy becaus I am studing to preparate a exam and I can have a public position.

Luna dijo...

Hello school friends.
I´m Luna. I´m twenty nine years old.
I´m a Primary teacher, actually with ill kids. I live in Vallecas and I like read, paint and the theater.
And the english? ;-)

Mayka dijo...

It was very dificult for me to find where I'have to write in this bloc but I'm here!! oh God
I'm... I'm Mayka. I'm live in Vallecas and I'like dancer and go to the shopping.
Would you like to go with me? :-D
I would like to write ours about long time but for me it's imposible because I any have time.

Mr. de Diego dijo...

Hi, Mayka.
You can write in all post of this blog. Your opinion, your suggestions, comment a news, if you like the video or the song, recommend a video... (clic on "comments").
I hope you like the blog.
Welcome !! :-)

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